Friday, April 16, 2010


Yesterday I was so sad to learn of heartaches experienced by some sisters in my ward. Mostly involves decisions by their grown children to cut off all contact with the parents. This is hard for a family who was super involved in their children and grand children's lives. We talked of the difficultly to overcome hurt, pain, anger, and learn how to depend on the Lord for strength and forgiveness every day. It is a huge hurdle to let go of hurt feelings when loved ones turn against you .
Another sister told us of her recent brief visits with a daughter whose husband made her cut off all contact with the family for the past 6 years! Talk about heartache. She is so fearful of the husband cutting them off again. and these are her only grandchildren who live in state.

Then my neighbor told me of another friend whose 30+ son just committed suicide, and this jsut one year after the friend's daughter committed suicide because of a very emotionally abusive marriage. I can't fathom the heart and pain. How can she even get out of bed each day? All these stories I heard in the past two days painfully teaches me again that there is sadness, struggle, pain and heartache in so many people's lives. It's people we know and may not even suspect any hardship. I want to be the one to offer friendship, love, acceptance, and hope to all in my little part of the world. How we all need it!! How it hurts to feel judged, rejected, and not wanted. My heart aches with them now.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Life is so hard and especially when these kinds of heartaches happen! I am praying for the comfort of your friends-I CAN'T imagine their pain! I pray that the Lord will give them the strength to endure these tragedies! Lori Olsen