Sunday, November 1, 2009

Back in the Groove...almost

Two meals in less than 24 hours - that's what I have made with just a little help.

Taco soup for Halloween. Michelle helped finish chopping the onion, and opened a few cans for me. (then she left for SLC)
It made so much we invited Tom and Linda over to share.
Clyde chopped olives, Linda sliced the avocado. I did most of it myself!

Today, fast Sunday, Clyde was feeling a bit sick. Flu maybe? I made dinner by myself, mostly.
-herbed turkey breast (courtesy Costco) Clyde cut the plastic off.
-roasted mini carrots (kinda crunchy, oops)
-boiled new red potatoes with butter and rosemary
-reheated green beans (cooked for an earlier meal)
-apple, pomegranate, and vanilla yogurt salad (I cut the pomegranate ,myself, very slowly, and got the seeds out under water very carefully)
-croissants (from a pop open can)

Dessert was chocolate chips cooked in four of the remaining croissants - kind of similar to the European pastries we often had for a treat or breakfast.

I am typing this with both hands, just not full function of the right hand.
Lots of exercises are to be done in two weeks to get me stronger.

I'm healing.

Being able to cook makes me feel a bit more balanced. Isn't it great that small successes bring much happiness?

Clyde folded all the laundry last night - what a guy.

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