Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Anniversary

I love fall for it reminds me of our wedding and anticipation of a life together. Clyde and I celebrate 34 years today. We did a little shopping for house stuff - new glasses, cutting board, timer, and various other improvements. We went to the grocery store for a few items - Clyde had to push the cart due to my wrapped and restricted hand. We stopped for lunch at Pizzeria 712. Clyde cut the salad into fork size bites and he even cut my pizza that was too floppy to pick up. He never made fun of me nor complained. I have been a bit tender with my off balanced life of trying to cope with only one hand. Clyde asked me what were the highlights of the past year or years. I told him one of my favorite memories was the random times he came home from work in the past year and just told me, "I'm so glad I am married to you." These were not on a special holiday or anniversary, just an ordinary day. His words were totally unexpected, spoken in truth, and cherished dearly on my part.

Daily kisses and hugs in the kitchen weave the fabric of comfortable appreciation, tying our hearts together.
One of the best parts of 34 years together is knowing that in the moments that he annoys me (like forgetting to tell me where he parked car) - I will be annoyed only temporarily. It all melts away so quickly and I don't have any desire to be mad. Forgiveness amazes me and nourishes us.

Oh, and another highlight was when Clyde plucked my chin hairs yesterday -- just matter fact, no squeamishness, and with a kiss. That's happily married.

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