Sunday, December 13, 2009

Grand America buffet found in Provo?

Well, maybe.
It was just our ward brunch, but the goal was to make it look nice! My goal was to not have to haul food out of the kitchen during the whole party - just put it all out and have two people inside the tables keep the drink pitchers filled, keeping the extra milks and juice in coolers under the tables. I used vases and urns from Nicole's and Michelle's receptions!

The Menu:

egg, potato, bacon, cheese strata
ketchup and salsa
mini quiche
turkey sausage links (pre-cooked from Costco)
variety or breads, muffins, sweet rolls from ward members
mandarin orange or peach fruit cups
black grapes
sliced oranges
boiled eggs
Cinnamon toast crunch cereal
milk, choc milk, OJ

set up

four tables in a square.
plates at two corners
drinks at other two corners
people could go either way, so there were four directions of food, all basically the same on each table.

The aprons were made by the Activities chair - so fun!

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