Saturday, September 4, 2010

what a summer

Twenty days total in Denver with Dad, wedding events, family time, and we are now in September.
I've seen a few spots of color on the mountain today - Fall is coming and I feel it in the morning air.
to remember:

free wireless while Dad was in the hospital!

Cousins at James and Taryn's wedding

The Newlyweds

Grandpa about 60 days after his stay in ICU - looks good!

Rainbow we saw on the way to the airport after my recent five days in Denver.

The wasps who think my gutter and shingles are a great place to make a home...

My garden basil is almost three feet tall - want some?
And I'd like to show you my wonderful pole beans, but they seem to have only grown great leaves, runners, and a few blossoms but NO BEANS! I planted them June 1, and folks it is Sept 4th. I think I'll just pull them out and let the raspberries take over.

Some summer.

UPDATE ON THE BEANS: Sept 16th and I now have lots of beans - almost ready to pick. Maybe the threat of being pulled out worked some magic. Magic beans, hmm.

1 comment:

Carrie Carlson said...

That picture of James and Taryn is beautiful!