I've recently cleaned out some drawers and shelves in our closets. Found a ton of change in Clyde's "toss it" shelf from his pockets - 20 years worth is my guess!
In my drawer I cleaned out many many little envelopes titled, "extra buttons". Do you ever get those on new clothing? There were so many and for years I've been annoyed at the build up of those envelopes and once I even made a button book with a description of the item it belonged to. Ha! That didn't last long - maybe two clothing seasons. I don't think I have ever used one of those extra buttons in the whole time we have lived here.
So, I just emptied each envelope or little bag into this cute little jar and maybe I'll use them for a crafty frame or sewn on a cute little pillow. No more envelope stashes for me. As soon as I get new envelopes I'll put them into a jar. Now I'll need a bigger jar. And my drawer is so much more useful without that envelope/ button collection!
Each of those buttons represents a new item of clothing over the last 30+ years.
One funny thing I did find were two sets of button covers. I don't remember what decade we used those but they were just so cool I kept them. Any chance they will return to fashion? Hope so.
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