Friday, December 19, 2008

O Happy Day

Last night as I was folding laundry I heard a loud 'clonk' as my washer stopped mid-cycle. This made me sad, since on Nov. 24th we paid $209 to get a new timer replaced on our 5 yr old washer. Clyde returned from giving his final and when he heard the news, he started researching new washers - hours and hours trying to figure out which one would fit, front or top load, best price, etc. He went to turn out the Christmas lights on the outside bushes and said they must have burned out - already off! Before bed I bailed out all the water from the washer(any guesses on how much water fills a large capacity washer?) and it took forever. I removed the clothes, planning to take them to a laundromat in the morning. This morning, Clyde was researching more about washers. I went to dry my hair and my dryer would not work. Weird - it had not been having problems. I decided to take it to the kitchen plug, just to test it. Voila! It worked! The problem was the plug in my bathroom. I wondered if the washer problem was also electrical, since I could not get any cycle to work. I tried turning on the clothes dryer - nothing! It was an electrical problem! So I hurried to the guest bath to dry my hair, and had to push the reset button on the plug to get my hair dyrer to work. Clyde went downstairs to look for tripped circuits and find the one to reset. So I went in to the laundry to check the plug and tell Clyde when it was working. I tested the clothes dryer again and it worked!!! So did the washer!! We don't have to buy a new washer after all!! And just hitting the reset button in the guest bath plug did the trick. My laundry is on one side of the house and my bedroom bath is on the complete other side of the house! So we almost went to buy a new washer, almost called the repair man to complain about his work, and got lucky just in time. It pays to wonder sometimes when your hair dryer does not work - maybe there is a different solution?! Nothing else in the house made us think there was any elelctrical issue at all -- no lights were off, fridge and clocks running... O happy day - I don't have to buy a new washer. Clyde's favorite story today.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

OH yay! That is great! Funny how you weren't to worried about the clothes at that exact moment, but when you couldn't work the hair dryer you investigate! That is exactly what I would have done. If you wait to long to dry your hair then it just doesn't work right!