1. Michelle and Clyde celebrated my birthday with Malawais Chicken Pesto Pasta. David Paxman, Jennifer Hoopes, and Letty came too. Michelle made 'the best brownies ever' and we used the triplets' birthday candles. I'm too old for the real number! Those are mini marshmallows under a yummy frosting.
2. Our ward did the first time ever "night in Bethlehem" and it was great. Very low lighting, cool booths with real mid eastern foods, everyone dressed up, and a very sincere Nativity narrated by the youth. We even had an angel appear.
Michelle and Cisco and I wrapped up in large tablecloths and we fit right in with the long bathrobes etc.
3. Erin helped get the house decorated just in time for my book group.That little linen embroidered cloth is from my Mom's cupboard. I love finding uses for items from my parents lives. I love Amaryllis in Dec. Real or not real?
4. I made one last trip to Aurora Colorado to finish the clean out of my family home. We found a few more interesting items, like this piece of chocolate from Russia. My father must have brought it home to Mom.
We took a photo of the siblings in the empty house. We worked hard! It's a different feeling to see it empty.
7. I finally got out to do some shopping today and found this when I returned to my car in the Dillard's parking lot!
Whew! Only a few more days until we see Nicole and Casey and cook, eat, and celebrate some more.