Thursday, November 12, 2009

hand minus wrist

It's been 1 month since I fractured my wrist in Maryland. My surgery was three and a half weeks ago. I have progressed a long ways since those first days, when I could not use my right hand for anything and had to depend on my left hand or Clyde. I can now do quite a lot with my right hand:
-hold the round brush to style my hair - although stiffly
-open the car door, slowly
-pull up my pants - tenderly
- type and use a mouse - not too hard
- put on eyeliner and mascara - have to hold them funny sine I can't turn the wrist

You see, the bone is healing, but the stiffness remains. I cannot eat soup with my right hand because I cannot turn the wrist to point the spoon to my mouth. I still feel like a toddler if I eat with my right hand - clumsy and the spoon points to the wall, not my mouth. Do you realize how much wrist action you need to dry yourself off with a towel? A LOT.
I have a lot of work to do on my range of motion and strength. I still can't open a can, a bottle of prescription pills, hold a gallon of milk etc. And I'd be very excited if the remaining swelling would go down!
Today I began moving my wrist up and down according to DR's orders. Little movements, like baby steps. Every day. I hope to be whole soon.

Why I love my office

Today was a quiet, cool, gray and cloudy day. From my office desk I could look out and see the constant falling leaves, like snow flakes. It was not windy, just breezy enough to cause the leaves to fall off the branches and float to the ground. Peaceful.
At 12:30 pm I went to the kitchen to slice my pear and eat lunch, after a very busy and sometmes frustrating morning. I looked out the window as I stood over the sink and to my delight I saw a few deer. I went to the kitchen nook window and ate my pear and counted six (6!) deer just having a nice lunch in the back yard of the Former President's home. There are three young deer and three who look a year older. I know the one mother deer we watched last year had three babies this summer, but it seems a few more deer have joined the herd. Watching those deer and especially the young fawns leap and dart across the yard just calmed me and made me peaceful.
At 4:30 pm in my second story office I decided it was time to shut down and I stood at the window to gaze out. This time the deer were back and some were in the yard and some were just standing in the bushes on the edge of the hill. I think I counted 7! Nibbling, nuzzling, and posing.
When I went out the front door to meet Clyde, there were three deer on the lawn just by the door where I was exiting. They startled, but I said to them, "It's OK, just keep eating your dinner." They calmed right down and only stuck their heads into the bushes. As soon as I was in the car they turned back to the grass they had been eating.

My little spot and magic of nature, right here on the BYU campus. I'm glad deer get hungry everyday. I'll be watching.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Back in the Groove...almost

Two meals in less than 24 hours - that's what I have made with just a little help.

Taco soup for Halloween. Michelle helped finish chopping the onion, and opened a few cans for me. (then she left for SLC)
It made so much we invited Tom and Linda over to share.
Clyde chopped olives, Linda sliced the avocado. I did most of it myself!

Today, fast Sunday, Clyde was feeling a bit sick. Flu maybe? I made dinner by myself, mostly.
-herbed turkey breast (courtesy Costco) Clyde cut the plastic off.
-roasted mini carrots (kinda crunchy, oops)
-boiled new red potatoes with butter and rosemary
-reheated green beans (cooked for an earlier meal)
-apple, pomegranate, and vanilla yogurt salad (I cut the pomegranate ,myself, very slowly, and got the seeds out under water very carefully)
-croissants (from a pop open can)

Dessert was chocolate chips cooked in four of the remaining croissants - kind of similar to the European pastries we often had for a treat or breakfast.

I am typing this with both hands, just not full function of the right hand.
Lots of exercises are to be done in two weeks to get me stronger.

I'm healing.

Being able to cook makes me feel a bit more balanced. Isn't it great that small successes bring much happiness?

Clyde folded all the laundry last night - what a guy.